I'm Ashish

a learner!!

My Top Skills

Java programming


I'm currently a ⭐⭐⭐ competetive coder on CodeChef with hopes being a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ coder soon! I can help you with your regular coding assignments and small software needs.

FullStack Web-Developer

I'm currently studying to be a FullStack Web-Developer with MERN so i can help you make your own personalised website and your online presence!


Looking for a Gaming buddy for your casual / competetive gaming session? Well count me in! Can't shoot that annoying bully who's always killing you in-game soon as you spawn? Hold my Controller!!!

My Projects

About me

Want to know more about me? Sure Why not!

As you can tell by now I'm fascinated by knowledge and i love to know stuff! So its natural that I am a tech-nerd. I'm currently a student pursuing my bachelor's degree and I love to EAT!!!! Like other college students I also enjoy hanging out and having fun! So feel free to reach out to me as i'd love to be your friend !

Contact Me

Wanna reach out to me ? Try the links given below !

LinkedIn GitHub Mail me Twitter Instagram

© Copyright 2020 ☢ Ashish Anand